I video taped some shots around my Alaskan home then took snapshots from the video tape. I then saved them as JPEG compressed picts. This was my first attempt to do this. I am giving them out free for anybody to use anyway they would like. These pictures where taking all within a mile of my house during March and April 1995. Kids can easily open them through "KID PIX" by selecting "Open" under the menu then selecting the photo by name. they seem to enjoy being able to use real photos. Make sure they rename their picture while saving it if you want the photo to remain unchanged. It's a good idea to make a copy of the pictures before turning the kids loose just in case. There are four pictures of mountains and three of birds. I would love to hear what kids thought of these. If you like these look for the file "MOOSE pictures for KID PIX" for some moose pictures.